En praktisk guide til hva du kan gjøre i Gdańsk
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Gdańsk: De avdekkede hemmelighetene til en tidløs by
Ligger ved Østersjøkysten, er Gdańsk en by som balanserer mellom historie og modernitet, hvor ekkoene fra svunne tider smelter sømløst sammen med moderne sjarm. Mens den berømte Kongeveien og praktfulle St. Mariakirken ofte topper reiseplanene, skjuler Gdańsk utallige hemmeligheter som venter på å bli oppdaget av den nysgjerrige reisende.
Historiske landemerker: Mer enn det åpenbare
Selv om Gdańsk er kjent for sin middelalderarkitektur, finnes det enda dypere lag med mindre kjente, men like fascinerende, minner fra fortiden. Den Store Møllen er for eksempel en enorm gotisk struktur som forteller historier om sin storhetstid som en av Europas største industrielle bygninger i middelalderen. I dag rommer de imponerende murene et kjøpesenter, men følelsen av historisk betydning henger fortsatt i luften.
Et annet skjult skattkammer er Hevelianum, som ligger på Gradowa-høyden. Denne tidligere militære festningen er nå et interaktivt vitenskapssenter. Her kan besøkende nyte panoramautsikt over byen samtidig som de utforsker utstillinger som elegant kombinerer vitenskap og historie, og kaster lys over Gdańsks strategiske militære betydning.
Kulturelle perler: Gdańsks sjel
Gdańsks kulturliv strekker seg langt utover de kjente museene og galleriene. Laznia-senteret for samtidskunst, som holder til i et renovert badehus fra 1800-tallet, tilbyr en arena der avantgardekunst møter byens industrielle fortid. Senteret er et knutepunkt for innovative utstillinger, workshops og forestillinger, ofte med fokus på fremadstormende lokale talenter.
For musikkelskere gir det Polske Baltiske Filharmoniske Orkester en uforglemmelig lydopplevelse. Lokalisert i en tidligere kraftstasjon, kombinerer dette stedet sine industrielle røtter med den raffinerte skjønnheten av klassisk musikk og skaper en unik og stemningsfull atmosfære.
Pulserende bydeler: Nabolag med karakter
En spasertur gjennom Gdańsk avslører et lappeteppe av livlige bydeler, hver med sin egen unike karakter. Oliwa-distriktet er en rolig oase, hjem til den imponerende Oliwa-katedralen og dens berømte orgelkonserter. Men få besøkende tar turen til den tilstøtende Oliwa-parken, en frodig, fredelig oase perfekt for rolige spaserturer og øyeblikk av ettertanke.
I kontrast til Oliwas ro finner vi det energiske Wrzeszcz-distriktet. Dette området pulserer av ungdommelig vitalitet, delvis takket være studentmiljøet. Wrzeszcz byr på en eklektisk blanding av kafeer, gatekunst og indiebutikker. Her smelter historien sammen med det hippe, og skaper et dynamisk miljø som gjenspeiler Gdańsks stadig utviklende identitet.
Naturskjønnhet: Gdańsks grønne oaser
Utover sin urbane sjarm er Gdańsk velsignet med naturskjønnhet som ofte går under radaren. Sobieszewo-øya er et paradis for naturelskere. Dette verneområdet, bare en kort kjøretur fra sentrum, byr på uberørte strender, fugletitting og naturskjønne turstier gjennom frodige skoger og rolige våtmarker.
En annen perle er Trippelbyens landskapspark, som strekker seg fra Gdańsk til Gdynia. Denne omfattende parken er gjennomkrysset av stier som slynger seg gjennom varierte landskap, fra tette skoger til bølgende åser. Her kan man nyte spektakulære utsikter og et forfriskende avbrekk fra byens travle tempo.
Kulinariske herligheter: En smak av Gdańsk
Ingen utforskning av Gdańsk er komplett uten å fordype seg i byens kulinariske herligheter. Selv om byens restauranter ofte fremhever polsk mat, kan eventyrlystne matelskere oppdage unike lokale smaker på matmarkedene og gatebodene i Dolne Miasto-distriktet. Her møtes tradisjonelle oppskrifter med moderne vrier, og skaper en kulinarisk reise som reflekterer byens rike kulturelle mangfold.
En spesialitet man må prøve, er goldwasser, en urtelikør tilsatt ekte gullflak – en hyllest til Gdańsks historiske betydning som en stor handelsby. Å smake denne luksuriøse drikken er som å ta en slurk av byens overdådige fortid.
Det skjulte Gdańsk venter
Gdańsk er en by som avslører sin sanne essens for dem som er villige til å se bortenfor overflaten. Historiske landemerker, kulturelle perler, livlige bydeler og naturskjønnhet smelter sammen til et rikt lappeteppe som er både tidløst og moderne. For reisende som ønsker å utforske de skjulte dybdene i denne baltiske juvelen, lover Gdańsk et eventyr som er like overraskende som det er uforglemmelig. Så pakk kofferten, åpne hjertet, og la Gdańsks mindre kjente skatter veve sin magi.

Langmarkedet (Długi Targ)
Livlig møteplass
Langmarkedet er det historiske hjertet av Gdańsk, omgitt av fargerike, rikt dekorerte bygninger. Dette travle torget er hjem til gateartister, markeder og en mengde kafeer, noe som gjør det til et livlig knutepunkt og et flott sted for å observere mennesker.

Byens ikon
Neptunfontenen, skapt i 1633, står stolt i hjertet av Langmarkedet. Denne barokke mesterverket symboliserer Gdańsks tilknytning til havet og er et populært møtested for både lokale og turister.

St. Mariakirken
Verdens største mursteinskirke
St. Mariakirken, som daterer seg tilbake til 1379, er verdens største mursteinskirke. Det imponerende interiøret har fantastisk gotisk arkitektur. Klatre opp i tårnet for panoramautsikt over byen og beundre den intrikate astronomiske klokken inni.
Ulica Mariacka
Sjarmerende gate
Ulica Mariacka, som starter ved St. Mariakirken, er en pittoresk brosteinsgate omgitt av historiske kjøpmannshus. Den er kjent for sine sjarmerende terrasser og butikker som selger ravsmykker, og er et perfekt sted for en rolig spasertur.

Middelaldersk ingeniørkunst
Gdańsk-kranen, en middelaldersk havnekran fra 1300-tallet, fungerte både som byport og som lasteanlegg. Dette er et bemerkelsesverdig eksempel på middelaldersk ingeniørkunst, drevet av menneskedrevne hjul. Besøk museet for å lære om byens maritime historie.

Langbryggen (Długie Pobrzeże)
Vakker havnepromenade
Langbryggen var tidligere hjertet av Gdańsks havneaktiviteter. I dag er det en naturskjønn promenade med sjarmerende vannporter, historiske varehus og utendørs servering, som gir et glimt av byens maritime fortid.
Den Gyldne Port
Manneristisk stil
Den Gyldne Port er et utsøkt eksempel på nederlandsk mannerisme og markerer inngangen til Gamlebyen. Bygget tidlig på 1600-tallet har den utsmykkede skulpturer og symbolfigurer som representerer dyder som fred, frihet og rikdom.

Hovedrådhuset, med røtter fra tidlig middelalder, kombinerer gotisk og renessansearkitektur. Bygningen huser et museum med rikt dekorerte saler og tilbyr fantastisk panoramautsikt fra tårnet.

Artushallen (Dwór Artusa)
Middelaldersk laugshall
Artushallen, som en gang var møtested for kjøpmenn og dignitærer, fungerer nå som et museum som viser frem byens rike historie. Den storslåtte salen, utsmykket med historiske gjenstander og overdådige dekorasjoner, reflekterer Gdańsks rikdom og prestisje fra middelalderen.
Den Grønne Porten (Zielona Brama)
Arkitektonisk skjønnhet
Den Grønne Porten, bygget på 1500-tallet, fungerte som kongelig residens og seremoniell port. Med sin elegante design og historiske betydning er den et må-se-landemerke i Gdańsk, med pittoresk utsikt over Motława-elven.

Solidaritetsbevegelsens fødested
Gdańsk-verftet er kjent som fødestedet for Solidaritetsbevegelsen. Besøkende kan utforske det historiske verftet, se Monumentet over de falne skipsverftsarbeiderne og lære om de avgjørende streikene som førte til politiske endringer i Polen.

Westerplatten muistomerkki
Toisen maailmansodan symboli
Westerplatten muistomerkki kunnioittaa paikkaa, jossa toinen maailmansota alkoi. Tämä historiallinen alue on merkittävä symboli Puolan ja Euroopan historiassa. Se tarjoaa koskettavan ja opettavaisen kokemuksen vierailijoille.

Toisen maailmansodan museo
Vuonna 2017 avattu museo tarjoaa laajan katsauksen toisen maailmansodan tapahtumiin yli 2 000 esineen kokoelmalla, jotka sodasta kärsineet ovat lahjoittaneet. Uppoutuvat näyttelyt ja henkilökohtaiset tarinat tekevät kokemuksesta koskettavan ja opettavaisen.

Eurooppalainen solidaarisuuskeskus
Solidaarisuusliikkeen historia
Tämä museo esittelee Puolan kommunistivastaisen liikkeen ja Solidaarisuusliikkeen historiaa. Interaktiiviset näyttelyt ja historialliset esineet korostavat Gdańskin keskeistä roolia kommunismin kaatumisessa Itä-Euroopassa.
Kasvitieteellistä kauneutta
Oliwski-puisto tarjoaa rauhallisen pakopaikan kauniisti maisemoitujen puutarhojen keskellä. Puistossa on lampia, palmutalo ja viereinen Oliwan katedraali, joka tunnetaan urkukonserteistaan.

Oliwan katedraali
Musiikillinen ihme
Oliwan katedraali, joka sijaitsee rauhallisessa Oliwski-puistossa, on kuuluisa upeista urkukonserteistaan. Katedraalin goottilainen arkkitehtuuri ja yksityiskohtainen sisustus tarjoavat rauhallisen ympäristön musiikille ja pohdiskelulle.
Gdańskin jalokivi
Meripihkamuseo syventyy meripihkan historiaan ja merkitykseen Gdańskissa. Vierailijat voivat oppia meripihkan kaupasta, ihailla upeita meripihkaesineitä ja ostaa ainutlaatuista meripihkakoruja.

Kansallinen merimuseo
Merenkulun historiaa
Kansallinen merimuseo, joka sijaitsee useilla historiallisilla paikoilla, esittelee Gdańskin rikasta merenkulun perintöä. Näyttelyt sisältävät laivamalleja, navigointivälineitä ja esineitä kaupungin merimaisemasta.

Wisłoujścien linnoitus
Puolustuksellinen tukikohta
Wisłoujścien linnoitus, 1600-luvun sotilaallinen linnoitus, vartioi Gdańskin sataman sisäänkäyntiä. Tutustu hyvin säilyneisiin bastioneihin, osallistu opastetuille kierroksille ja opi linnoituksen strategisesta merkityksestä kaupungin puolustuksessa.

Uphagenin talo
Kauppiaan koti
Uphagenin talo on huolellisesti entisöity kauppiaan asunto, joka tarjoaa vilkaisun 1700-luvun elämään Gdańskissa. Museo esittelee aikakauden sisustusta, koristeita ja näyttelyitä varakkaan kauppiasperheen arjesta.
Gdańskin Shakespeare-teatteri
Gdańskin Shakespeare-teatteri on moderni esityspaikka, joka juhlistaa kaupungin historiallista yhteyttä Shakespeare-teatteriin. Siirrettävän katon ja monipuolisen ohjelmistonsa ansiosta se tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen kulttuurikokemuksen.

Parhaat nähtävyydet ja tekemiset Gdańskissa
Tutustu suosituksiimme siitä, mitä ei kannata jättää väliin Gdańskissa vieraillessasi.
Gdańskin parhaat museot
Tutustu suosituksiimme
Gdańskin parhaat hotellit
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Gdańskin panimot
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Kattobaarit Gdańskissa
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Jazzklubit Gdańskissa
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Gdańskin yökerhot
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Gdańskin parhaat ravintolat
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Gdańskin parhaat kahvilat
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Käytännön tietoa
Hyödyllistä tietoa Gdańskista
Bus Line 210:
- Schedule: The bus runs every 30 minutes on weekdays and every hour on weekends and public holidays, from early morning until late evening.
- Duration: The journey to Gdańsk Główny (main railway station) takes about 45 minutes.
- Cost: Approximately 4.80 PLN (€1.10). Tickets can be bought from vending machines at the bus stop or from the driver, and both cash and card payments are accepted.
- Details: The bus stop is located just in front of the terminal, about 50 meters away. There is a ticket vending machine at the bus stop. You can also buy tickets using an Android app or directly from the driver.
Night Bus N3:
- Schedule: Operates hourly at night, providing a connection to Gdańsk Wrzeszcz railway station.
- Details: This bus runs from 11:36 PM until 4:36 AM, catering to late arrivals.
- Schedule: Trains run every 30 minutes from 4:35 AM to 10:12 PM.
- Duration: The total journey takes about 40 minutes, including a change at Wrzeszcz Station.
- Cost: Around 5.09 PLN (€1.15). Tickets can be purchased from vending machines on the platform or directly from the conductor on the train.
- Details: The train departs from Port Lotniczy Station at the airport and travels to Wrzeszcz Station, where you will need to change trains to reach Gdańsk Główny
- Duration: Approximately 20 minutes, depending on traffic.
- Cost: Around €10-12. Taxis are available directly outside the terminal, or you can book one in advance.
- Details: Taxi stands are easily found at the airport. For reliable service, you can use companies like Airport Taxi Gdańsk
- Comfort: Provides direct transportation to your accommodation. This option is more expensive but ensures convenience and comfort.
- Booking: Services can be booked in advance through companies like.
- Details: Drivers wait for you at the arrivals hall with a sign, offering a comfortable and hassle-free ride to your destination.
- Duration: The drive to the city center takes about 15-20 minutes.
- Details: Car rentals are available at the airport, offering flexibility for travelers who prefer to drive themselves
We recommend:
- Availability: Uber operates in Gdańsk, providing convenient and cashless rides.
- Cost: Fares vary based on traffic, time of day, and demand. The app provides an estimate before you confirm the ride.
- Pickup Location: The app will guide you to the pickup location at the airport. Follow the instructions and look for ride-hailing pickup signs.
- Details: Ensure the car color, make, and driver details match those in the app before getting into the vehicle. Contact the driver through the app if needed (Uber).
- Availability: Bolt is another popular ride-sharing option, often cheaper than other services.
- Cost: Competitive pricing, with cost details shown in the app before confirming the ride.
- Pickup Location: Open the Bolt app to request a ride. The app will show you the pickup points at the airport.
- Details: Bolt rides are known for being quick and affordable. Ensure that the vehicle details match those in the app before boarding (Bolt)
Buses and Trams Gdańsk has an extensive network of buses and trams operated by ZTM Gdańsk (Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego). This network connects various parts of the city and the surrounding metropolitan area.
- Bus Services: The city operates numerous bus lines, including regular day routes and night services. Buses are a reliable way to travel, especially for reaching areas not served by trams.
- Coverage: The bus network covers extensive routes throughout the city and neighboring regions.
- Frequency: Buses run frequently, with increased services during peak hours. Night buses are available for late-night travel.
- Tram Services: Trams are a convenient option for getting around the city center and other key areas. The tram network is well-developed and includes multiple lines that run frequently.
- Coverage: Trams are primarily used for travel within the city center and key residential and commercial areas.
- Frequency: Trams run frequently, especially during peak hours. They are a popular choice for tourists due to their coverage of major attractions.
Ticketing System
Types of Tickets:
- Single-Ride Tickets: Valid for a single journey on buses or trams.
- Time-Based Tickets: Include 60-minute, 24-hour, 72-hour, and monthly passes. These tickets allow unlimited travel within the specified time frame.
- Group Tickets: Discounts for groups traveling together.
Where to Buy Tickets:
- Ticket Machines: Located at major bus and tram stops and train stations.
- Onboard Purchase: Tickets can be bought from drivers (cash only) on buses and trams.
- Mobile Apps: The ZTM Gdańsk app and other related apps allow ticket purchases via smartphones.
- Online: Tickets can also be purchased through official transportation websites like ZTM Gdańsk and Polregio.
- Tickets must be validated upon boarding using the ticket validation machines available on buses, trams, and at train stations.
Useful Links:
Train Services
Local Trains
- SKM (Szybka Kolej Miejska): The SKM provides rapid urban rail services, connecting Gdańsk with nearby cities such as Sopot and Gdynia. This is an efficient way to travel across the Tricity metropolitan area.
- Polregio: This regional rail service connects Gdańsk with other cities and towns in the Pomeranian Voivodeship.
Ticket Purchase:
- Tickets can be purchased at train stations from vending machines, ticket counters, or via mobile apps like the Polregio app.
Useful Links:
Discounted Tickets for Seniors
- Age Requirement: Seniors aged 70 and above are eligible for free travel on ZTM Gdańsk buses and trams.
- Identification: Seniors must carry an ID (e.g., national ID card or passport) to prove their age to benefit from the free travel scheme.
Gdańsk offers a variety of attractions and museums that provide discounts for senior citizens. Here is a list with some suggestions:
Gdańsk is a vibrant and historic city on the Baltic coast of Poland, offering numerous accessible attractions and activities for visitors with disabilities.
Gdańsk offers a wide range of accessible attractions, services, and facilities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable visit for travelers with disabilities. From historic sites to modern museums and beautiful parks, the city is dedicated to providing an inclusive experience. For more detailed information and planning resources, visitors can explore the offerings on the International Social Tourism Organisation's website and local accessibility guides.
Practical Tips for Visiting Gdańsk as a Traveler with Disabilities
Planning a trip to Gdańsk can be an exciting experience, and with proper preparation, visitors with disabilities can enjoy a seamless and enjoyable visit. Here are detailed practical tips to help ensure a safe and accessible journey:
1. Research and Planning
1.1. Pre-Trip Research
- Attractions: Before traveling, research the accessibility features of the attractions you plan to visit. Websites of major museums and landmarks often provide detailed information about their accessibility options.
- Accommodations: Look for hotels that offer accessible rooms and facilities. Websites like and TripAdvisor have filters for accessibility features.
- Transportation: Familiarize yourself with the accessible transport options available in Gdańsk, including buses, trams, and trains.
1.2. Booking in Advance
- Accommodation: Reserve your hotel room well in advance to ensure availability of accessible rooms.
- Transportation: Book accessible taxis or transportation services ahead of time, especially during peak travel seasons.
1.3. Accessibility Apps and Websites
- Use apps and websites dedicated to accessible travel to find the best routes and services. Apps like Wheelmap can help locate accessible places.
2. Navigating the City
2.1. Public Transportation
- Features: Gdańsk's public transport network includes low-floor buses and trams with designated spaces for wheelchairs. Audio-visual stop announcements help those with visual or hearing impairments.
- Tickets: Purchase tickets in advance or use mobile apps to avoid queues. Ensure you have a valid pass, as inspectors frequently check tickets.
2.2. Accessible Taxis
- Services: Several taxi companies offer vehicles equipped to handle wheelchairs. Specify your need for an accessible vehicle when booking.
- Booking Tips: Use the phrase “na wózek inwalidzki” (for wheelchair) to ensure the correct type of vehicle is dispatched.
3. Accommodations
3.1. Hotel Selection
- Accessibility Features: Look for hotels that offer features such as roll-in showers, grab bars, and wide doorways. The Hanza Hotel is one such example in Gdańsk.
- Location: Choose centrally located hotels to minimize travel time to major attractions and ensure easy access to public transportation.
3.2. Communication
- Special Requests: When booking, communicate any special needs or requests directly with the hotel to ensure your room is properly equipped.
4. Dining and Entertainment
4.1. Restaurant Accessibility
- Accessible Options: Many restaurants in Gdańsk have made efforts to become more accessible, including Mandu Pierogarnia, which offers ramps and accessible restrooms.
- Reservation: Make reservations and inquire about accessibility features. Some restaurants may need advance notice to prepare accessible seating.
4.2. Cultural and Recreational Activities
- Accessible Paths: Many cultural sites, such as the European Solidarity Centre and Oliwa Park, have accessible paths and facilities. Plan your visits to these places to ensure a fulfilling experience.
5. Health and Safety
5.1. Emergency Contacts
- Emergency Numbers: Know the local emergency number (112) and the locations of nearby hospitals.
- Medical Facilities: Research medical facilities and pharmacies near your accommodation. Some hotels may also provide information on nearby medical services.
5.2. Mobility Equipment Rental
- Rental Services: If you require mobility aids, several services in Gdańsk offer rentals of wheelchairs, scooters, and other equipment. It’s advisable to arrange these rentals in advance.
6. Language and Communication
6.1. Learning Key Phrases
- Basic Polish: Learning a few key phrases in Polish can be very helpful. For example, “Proszę o pomoc” means “Please help.”
- Language Apps: Use translation apps to assist with communication in restaurants, hotels, and shops.
6.2. Local Assistance
- Friendly Locals: Poles are generally hospitable and willing to assist. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed, especially from younger people who are more likely to speak English.
Below you can find some listings of tourist attractions, sights, restaurants etc. that are easily accessible.
Gdańsk with a dog
Gdańsk is a dog-friendly destination!
Gdańsk is a remarkably dog-friendly city, offering various amenities and activities tailored for dog owners and their pets. The city has numerous pet-friendly hotels, including top-rated ones like PURO Gdańsk Stare Miasto and Holiday Inn Gdańsk - City Centre, ensuring comfortable stays for visitors with dogs. Some accommodations, like the IRS ROYAL APARTMENTS, even welcome pets of any size without additional fees.
For outdoor activities, Gdańsk features dog-friendly beaches, such as the one located in the Old Town area.
These beaches allow dogs to enjoy the sand and sea while their owners take in the beautiful Baltic coastline. The city also offers scenic walks and historical tours where dogs are welcome, like the Gdańsk City Sights & History Guided Walking Tour, which covers the rich cultural tapestry of the city.
Gdańsk has a variety of pet services available, including pet sitters, dog walkers, and grooming services, ensuring that your pet's needs are met while you explore the city.
Additionally, the local restaurants and cafes often have outdoor seating areas where dogs are allowed, making it easier for pet owners to dine out without leaving their furry friends behind.
Overall, Gdańsk's combination of pet-friendly accommodations, activities, and services make it an excellent destination for travelers with dogs, ensuring a pleasant and inclusive experience for all visitors
When traveling with a dog to Gdańsk, it’s essential to be aware of the specific rules and regulations to ensure a smooth and enjoyable visit. Here are some key points to consider:
- Public Transport: Dogs can travel for free on Gdańsk's public transport, but they must be on a leash and wear a muzzle. You also need to carry proof of current vaccinations.
- Dog Parks and Runs: Gdańsk offers several dedicated dog parks where dogs can run off-leash. These areas are fenced and often equipped with water bowls and agility equipment. Some notable locations include the parks in Przymorze Wielkie and Ujeścisko-Łostowice.
- Beaches: From September to June, dogs are allowed on all Gdańsk beaches. During the summer months, dogs are prohibited from lifeguarded swimming areas but can still enjoy designated dog beaches, such as the one between entrances 34 and 36 in Brzeźno.
- Leash Laws: In public places, dogs must be kept on a leash. For breeds considered dangerous, additional regulations may apply, such as mandatory muzzling.
- Pet Waste: It is mandatory to clean up after your dog in all public areas. Failure to do so can result in fines up to 500 PLN.
- Vaccinations and Health: Keep your dog’s vaccination records updated and carry them with you, especially if you plan to use public transport or visit certain parks and beaches.
- Dog-Friendly Places: Many cafes, restaurants, and hotels in Gdańsk welcome dogs, making it easy to include your pet in various activities. Always check individual policies before visiting.
- Training and Behavior: Dogs should be well-behaved and socialized to ensure they can interact safely with other dogs and people in public spaces.
- Emergency Services: Familiarize yourself with local veterinary services and emergency contacts in case your dog needs medical attention while you’re away from home.
By keeping these rules and guidelines in mind, you can ensure a pleasant and compliant visit to Gdańsk with your furry friend.
What to do in Gdańsk with your dog
Check out our recommendations